Professional Memberships and Partnerships

CATE - Careers and Transition Education Association Inc. - Member

NZDSN - New Zealand Disability Support Network - Associate Member

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant | Futures NZ

Career Development for High School and University Students

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant  Futures NZ

It’s never too early – or too late – for teens to start planning their career. In fact, helping teens connect their school studies to their long term future can have a big impact on their motivation day-to-day. 

When looking at career opportunities – whether it’s work experience, apprenticeships, school subject choices, universities or even degrees – teens often don’t know how to weigh up their options. Here we can really help by asking probing questions to help them evaluate and work out what to go for. This can involve writing down with them the pros and cons of different options, including a bit of online research.

For work experience, we can also help them look out for the things that will make an opportunity really valuable – will they get 1-1 support from people in the workplace? Will they be given the chance to learn about the company? By helping them research and make decisions through open discussions, we are also setting them up well to work things out themselves in the future.

Scholarships and University Applications

Receiving financial support could help you achieve your dreams – be it progressing your career, starting your own business or bringing change and opportunity to your community. We have one piece of advice for students thinking of applying for a scholarship: ‘Just go for it!’

Career Development for Career Change

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant | Futures NZ

To make sure that your career path is progressive and you keep improving your skills and income, you must plan your career progression. Sometimes you may increase your ranking in the same company or move to a new company to work in a higher level position. After figuring out the role you want to become, we can devise a plan to help progress your career.

You can also move forward by getting a promotion, finding new opportunities, new challenges, alternative employment, or by simply getting the most out of your career. Career progression has no limitations, and many aspects contribute to the change of positions.

Employment Coaching & Consulting

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant  Futures NZ

Does your career lack purpose?

Having a purpose gives your life real meaning. Once you find your purpose, things begin to fall into place. We can help you to find and follow your purposeful career path.

Looking for career change ideas?

Everyone has a unique talent. Some people discover it early on in life but it is never too late to change career! We can provide you with career change help and advice.

How good is your CV & LinkedIn Profile?

Have you spotted a job that you want? All that stands between you are the job is your CV, covering letter and business profile. How good are they?

Executive Employment Coaching & Consulting

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant  Futures NZ

As a Senior Leader or C-Suite Executive in your organisation you have unique demands placed upon you and your time. To help you meet these demands and deliver the results expected by your business and team you need specialist support. This is what we provide through Executive Employment Coaching.
Sharonn Miller-Pirie is an independant and trusted advisor, sounding board and accountability partner, competent and able to challenge your thinking and contribute strategically from a position of knowledge and shared experience, this confidential, creative and holistic executive employment consulting service ensures you deliver and thrive.

Health and Disability

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant | Futures NZ

Health and Disability is an area where we specialise and have extensive experience helping support people with their purpose in life.  Everything we do is the same as with every other client we have, the process should and will always be the same. 

We always ask, why should our service for people needing support be any different?  

  • All our work is individualised to the client, and we work 1:1 with everyone.

  • We take into consideration the specifics needs of each person and tailor their plan to include those needs.

  • Quite often, when we work with people, there is an element of 'getting ready for work.'

  • We already offer competitive packages, but in Health and Disability, we provide further discounts.

  • We have partnerships with specific organisations which are funded for long term support.

Sharonn Pirie specialise's in ASD and receives referrals from EGL, Schools, Clinical Psychologists and Counsellors.

Enabling Good Lives

Working to the Principles of Enabling Good Lives report, guiding us in everything we do:

  • Disabled people are in control of their lives.

  • Disabled people have supports that are tailored to their individual needs and goals, and that takes a whole life approach rather than being split across programmes.

  • Disabled people are supported to live everyday life in everyday places. They are regarded as citizens with opportunities for learning, employment, having a home and family, and social participation - like others at similar stages of life.

  • Disabled people are supported to access mainstream services before specialist disability services.

  • The abilities and contributions of disabled people and their families are recognised and respected.

  • Disabled people have supports that are simple to use and flexible.

  • Supports build and strengthen relationships between disabled people, their whānau, and community. 

How we will work with you

  • Operate with a clear set of principles and expected outcomes

  • Negotiate how they work on a person by person and/or family by family basis.  Note: This will initially be informed by the disabled person’s plan.

  • Experience one monitoring and evaluation process that is developmental.

  • Operate according to a facilitation based approach i.e. make it easier for individuals and families to achieve their goals by tailoring supports rather than the provision of a set range of service types.

  • Work to ensure community (generic) options are exhausted before specialist services are considered.

  • Operate with significantly reduced bureaucratic restrictions.

  • Experience the “system” as being supportive of innovation

CV Writing

New Zealand Career Counsellor and Employment Consultant | Futures NZ


Under 5 years of experience - $120

Over 5 years of experience - $150

Middle Management

Over 5 years of experience - $180


over 5 years of experience - $220

CV Feedback Only - $120 per hour

Employment Package - $399

Including, CV, Cover Letter Training, Cover Letter Editing for up to 5 letters,  Interview Skills.


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